Ever been to a big bash? Perhaps you know them as a dance, party or ball?

I have. They are a lot of fun. :-)

The word "bash" has another meaning though. When we talk about our friends, enemies or in betweens and just tear them to shreds with our words, we refer to it as "bashing" them.

Ever heard of a "husband bash?"

I definitely have. They seem so nice.

I'm not going to lie to you and say "Josh never gets on my nerves."
He does. It happens. Life should go on. But man are there times I just want to tear into him while talking to a friend. I just want to rant and rave and go on and on about how he did this or that. Cause I am just so perfect and deserve to do that? Right? Right?

Big, fat WRONG.
(See how it's big and fat?)

I snap. I bite. I make snide remarks. I'm selfish. I'm mean. I'm prideful.

And it hits me every day. When I think of how Josh annoys me sometimes, normally in that very same day, I do the exact same thing to him. Some people may say "that's fair." I sure don't. I say "love me this way!" and then my very actions show I do not hold that as the definition of how I should love him. How hypocritical. How disgusting.

So here's how the two bashes tie together.

I view a husband bash like I view what could be called spring break clubbing. Its a big dance floor, with lots of people, half of them drunk banging into each other, dancing provocatively, and basically just doing actions without thought. And that's kinda the purpose. It feels good, you're being sexy and acting like there isn't a care in the world to bother you. For most, it's moments of desiring attention from others, and having that desire filled. And again, I'm not going to lie, there are times in my life that its seemed like a lot of fun.

Now imagine a salsa couple, dancing, together, alone on the dance floor. Each is trying to make the other look good. Each is acting off the others strengths, and weaknesses so both flow together in beauty. Granted, that's a very sensual dance, but it portrays my idea well.
(Another I thought of was an old-fashioned ball room dance. Either works for my point.)
This is how we should be to others. Not that I'm saying "oh just act like everything is okay." To be a great dancing team, it takes hours and hours of practice. It takes knowing each other. It takes building up together. A team would be no good if one went around pointing out the others weakness to all other teams. Granted, I talk to my mom, grandmother and best friend when I really need to just talk some stuff out. They are not other teams, they are coaches. I trust them to be the type to say "you can't change others, you can only change you."

So what kind of dance do you want to do?