I feel the need to find my niche.
My friend Courtney has started a new blog called "Thrifty Wife"
It's pretty cool and I can tell I'm going to learn from it. Man, I want so badly to really be wise with our money.
My friend Lauren has this beautifully artistic house, which she affectionately calls "The Fort". That's another thing I would love. I long to create a beautiful home for Josh and I to share.
I want my niche. My thing.
The other night I told Josh that I've always wanted to paint. The next day he pulled out a canvas he has and his paint stuff and told me to paint. I haven't started yet, but I'm going to soon.
I guess all this randomness is to say, I'm in a place of discovery. I do not want to go through life a "half" person. I want to live to the fullest, and be uniquely, loverly and frighteningly me. And...
I know that a huge part of that will come through growing closer to Christ. Which is an area I need prayer in. I feel I really need to draw closer to God, but almost am unsure how to go about it.
Maybe I need to write a song. That might help me figure stuff out.
Thanks for listening everybody.
Hey Christa :)
Aw, thanks for mentioning me! :) What exactly do you want to know about my spreadsheets? I just started keeping them this month because I wanted to track how much money I was spending/saving on certain categories. I am just using Microsoft Excel. I can send you the file if you want me to. What are you wanting to do?
hey christa- i tagged you to do a meme!
hola... oh... boy... Ayla already tagged you. Well, I did too so you'll just have to post that tagger thingymabob... heh.