"Oh the more I seek, the more I'm sought"

~ Hymn #101 by Joe Pug

I've been tagged by Lala and Smithy to participate in a blog game. The rules are:

Link to the person who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Write Six Random Things about yourself.
Tag a few other people at the bottom of the post.
Leave comments on their blogs, letting them know they've been tagged!
Let the person who tagged you know when you've written the post.

1. I greatly do not like going through the wrong door to either exit or enter a store. I must go through the correct door.

2. I love icons. Like the ones that people often have annoyingly placed all over their Myspace. I find theirs annoying, but I have a huge folder of them on my hard drive. I especially love sayings, ducks, stars, umbrellas and socks.

3. I do not like wearing matching socks.

4. I find myself using a different accent if I'm around someone who does for even an hour. Or I watch a show with a different accent. That includes friends who wear braces.

5. I know they are bad, but I can eat hot dogs basically all the time, along with cheese and pizza.

6. I wasn't allowed to watch the show "Doug" when I was a kid because a character was blue. (I love you mom. :-D)

I tag Tina, Deana and my mom.

Thanks for the fun!

1 Comment

  1. Unknown on October 28, 2008 at 3:31 PM

    I don't like going through the wrong door either.

    Sooo why couldn't you watch a blue character? I think Skeeter was an okay dude :)

    You and Josh should move to Washington.