We had a little bit of a tough couple days last week... learned a lot. A whole lot. And the days after have been bliss. For real. I think the tough spots made us appreciate each other just so much more. I'm going to cherish falling in love with him more and more over the years. It's gonna be awesome, thinking about how much I love him right now, to be able to look back and go "When we first got married, I had no idea what love was..." (=
So I'm sorry I haven't blogged lately. Days are definitely blending together right now.
So the update on the to-do list:
The cake designGetting the invites out- Getting the last of the decorations
Figuring out the groom and groomsmen clothingGetting the bridesmaid dresses altered.Finding my hairstyleFinalizing the menuPicking a overall theme
- Get rings ordered
- Apply for marriage license tomorrow
- Get Josh's flip flops
- Get my shoes
- Get Josh's shirt
- Finish packing
- Write thank you cards
- Find jewelry
- Pick out garter
Well, yes, I know I so should have had this done before... but I think I finally know the rings.

Mine (I hope!):

Unfortunately, while Josh's will be here on time, it doesn't look like mine will. So I will have to use a "filler" ring. But I'm okay with that, because to me, the ring isn't a huge deal. I want one that looks like a wedding ring, cause I want people to know I'm taken, but other than that... not too fussed. I just love this ring though!
The "company" is this really cool seeming couple in Tennessee who run the business out of their home. They have 7 kids from 4-13 and they homeschool. Which makes them winner in my book. And they also had a blue heeler until just this past week or so (poor thing got hit by a car) And by their blog, they just seem super sweet.
So honestly, I want to support them and its a beautiful ring. All of their work is very well priced. Another great thing, since it's got sapphire, it will perfectly complement my engagement ring, which as I've said, I'll wear on my right hand. So pray I get it folks. And please pray that by some miracle, it would get here by the Big day. I would have ordered it sooner, but I just found it tonight.
Hmmm... my "almost no sugar" diet is starting to work. Chugging the water and loving fruit and eating less... hard at first, but now, after not having a lot of sugar.... sweet things taste so very sweet. Ugh, I tried to eat a bowl of ice cream, just as a splurge, last night. My brother had been really cool and gotten ice cream and fixings. I couldn't finish it. It was just too stinkin' sweet.
On another note: we're done with counseling!!! Woohoo! Far less painful than one would think. Cool thing that Georgia does, if you've had counseling, you get the application fee waved. Really good incentive if you ask me. Not that we did it for that reason, but it was nice.
OH! And my mom found my flowers! We were debating over all different kinds, then I came home last night and she goes "look what I found!" And they are absolutely perfect! Soooo beautiful. Man I love my momma.
Thank God, everything is running smoothly. And I'd like to thank everyone who has offered their help. The support has been such a blessing!
And to anyone who came to showers... lol, I promise, I'm working on those thank you cards tomorrow. :-p
Well I better hit the hay... and after that exciting exercise, I'm going to sleep.