Am I the only bride who feels like she could be so much better?

Well here's a tad of encouragement:

Josh puts it as "Shut up, (totally in a loving way, promise.) We're trying to squish two lives into one life. That's not going to be pristine and perfect all the time."

So ladies, it's not going to be pretty all the time. It's not going to be neat always. You won't always make the perfect dinner all "whambamthankyouma'am" or have clothes that you just happen to pull out of the dryer meticulously folded.

Its okay.

They love us. :-)
Ha, I'm just teasing with the title.

Today we got up at 11ish, to the sound of our doorbell ringing 20 times. See, we bought a wireless doorbell and stuck it on the door of the basement and the "ringer" is in our bedroom. Anyway! I had told my brother-in-law Dustin to ring it 17 times to make sure we awoke.
Well he went all "the extra mile" on us and did 20. Oh well.

We got up... quickly. Got breakfast and got dressed... then we prepared for what would turn out to be about a 3 hour airsoft game. It was so much fun! Josh and I were a team. And Dustin, Nathan and Michael were a team. I'd never played before, but they got "advantage" cause we had the better guns. The area was no wider than 50 yards at the widest and about 200 yards. Lots of trees, briers and a creek.

The scenario was "Capture The Flag". Dustin, Michael and Nathan had the flag and we had to capture it and get it back to our base. Flag was dropped if you were killed and the defending team couldn't move it.
And yes, we did lose. But we lost valiantly. We had done three attacks, keeping them close to their end. We had em with Dustin at 1 Kill, Nathan, 2 Kills and Michael, 0 Kills. And they had killed me and Josh once. (Three kills and you were out of the game. A kill came about if you were shot four times in any combination of limbs, 2 in the back or stomach or once in the head or chest.) But then they snuck up on us while we were reloading. I happened to see them by sheer luck. So we knew they were at our end, hiding, and generally (within 15 feet) where. But what we didn't know was Dustin was in the "raven", in water, with three fallen logs covering him. Scared Josh to death when Dustin opened fire. At first, we thought we were in some serious trouble. Nathan was on the bank and Dustin was in the raven with excellent cover and Michael was... somewhere. But I pulled a really risky move and ran around our cover, which was a couple trees and bushes on the opposite bank from Nathan, and got directly in Dustin's line of fire, with Josh offering cover fire (and a clear shot on him too) and then I opened fire. And man! I got him! I was so proud of myself. Josh and I had pinned him down good and I had killed him. Beautiful.

So now the score was Dustin-2, Nathan-2, Michael-0, Me-1 and Josh-1.

But then they came back, pushed us tight and killed us off. We were close to our regeneration zone, but we had no where to go to get cover.

So we died.

It was sad.

We are sore.

But we had a lot of fun.


The End
Hello literate friends,

Sorry it's been such a long time. I'm missing my "real life" journal, so everytime I've gotten on here, it's just gotten too deep and too personal. So I end up deleting it. No one needs that good of a map to my mind, except my husband and my God.

Gosh, "my husband". Those are beautiful words. How I love that man. We've now been married over a month and known each other 5 months.

Ha, we're a lot alike. But after a couple months, we started noticing our differences.
Well, a night or two ago we remembered how alike we are.
I'd already been asleep a couple hours, but I woke up. It was about one o'clock and Josh was still awake, poor darling. Well we'd been laying there a while, and I was thinking about how good a grilled cheese sandwich would be. I hadn't been craving them at all until that night. So I thought about saying I wanted one, but then I changed my mind. So after a little longer, I just randomly piped up "I'm going to make grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch." And Josh goes "I've just been thinking about how that would make a good midnight snack." We laughed, talked about it, and then got up and made them. They were wonderful.

Josh and I are doing quite well, to any who are concerned. We're falling nicely into life as a married couple. If we could just get our dang sleeping patterns fixed. lol. I hate sleeping til 12, but I can't seem to fix it. But that's okay. I'll even out eventually. :-)

We've gotten some job leads, so that's exciting. We're really seeking to keep our hearts open to God. We don't want to just settle into just any job unless that's where God wants us at the time.

Gosh I was so picky about how to word it. Christianity truly does train up some brilliant verbal gymnast. I mean, we could just say stuff the way it is, they could just walk across the mat, but no, they flip and flop and try to make it pretty, sometimes adding ribbons. Now, that's nice to watch sometimes. But all the time? How tiring. Ridiculous.

Well I'm off.

Later hombres.
Hello peoples :-)

(I wish there was a gentle smile smilie...)

I hope you are all doing well.

We had a really late night last night. Josh was a bit wired, and his hyper attitude was infectious I suppose. We talked until... well it was after 3, we'll just say that. (Thank God for Labor Day, right?) Uncovered more in an area of me that I'm painfully (not because of Josh!) learning I even have. I'll delve more into that in a minute. Because I was up pretty late, and its delightfully dark in our room and very quiet... well I slept in. Okay, so all that was really an excuse. I just plain slept in. I got up about an hour ago. And it felt wonderful. lol. And then I got some stuff together, cleaned up in the bathroom, emptied all the trash cans, and just tidied.

And now I'm sitting in the living room. I'm feeling very peaceful. I have Flyleaf's "Supernatural" acoustic version playing over and over on the speakers. I'm hoping to learn it well enough to sing it soon. The coffeepot, while not holding "hot" coffee (just cold,) is glowing nicely in the corner. And its just peaceful. I am planning on trying to have these quiet times in the mornings, before Josh gets up. Not because he is a deterrent to them, but because I normally wake up before him and it seemed a good use of my time. So the "planning" to do it, probably has helped my peaceful frame of mind.

I've been married for 17 days now. I can't really comprehend that. Last night I kept looking at Josh, thinking to myself, "He's my husband. That wonderful, handsome man, he's mine. And I'm his wife. We are married!" Ha, so it's still sinking in, yet I don't feel like I'm sinking. :-P
I'm already learning how I'm not the world's best wife, or the most easy to live with. But Josh is totally full of love and doesn't sit and fuss about it or put me down.
Its amazing how your heart changes and you want to be the very best for another person.
Also, more and more, I'm seeing the only way to do that, is to fall more deeply in love with Jesus. Josh and I are far from "perfect" Christians, but Jesus says we are saints to Him and righteous, right? Our honest, true desire, is to have Him at the center of our life. And that's far from easy, because our "dark" side, definitely rebels. But it is our heart, our main passion.

Change of subject, how does one deal with fear? I've learned a lot about myself, over the past couple weeks, when Josh and I are laying in bed at night, doing the couple thing and talking. (and the "couple thing" I'm referring to is the talking. :-p)
Anyway, while doing that, we've discovered I'm an extremely fearful person. And a control freak, when it comes to my body at least. Josh's answer, and as short as it is, shows his wisdom. "Don't be afraid. Just don't." I answered that surely it couldn't be that easy. But the more I thought about it, the Bible says "Do not fret." Not "Remove fear." Not "Do this and you will have no fear." Not "pray this." Just "Do not fret."
So I'm on a mission to not be afraid. Pray. lol. And if anyone knows some good verses to remember or something that helps them, PLEASE TELL ME.

I'm not really in the mood to blog about the wedding right now, but I'll sit down with Josh sometime and we'll write down our thoughts on it. :-) And I'll post a picture slide show or something and a link to the video. :-) Ha, I just realized, we'll have a guest next time then! Boy, that sounds like some sort of event that would happen in a well read blog. Okay, ha, back to typing about the wedding...

I will say this, it was beautiful. The wedding of our dreams.

So, I'm going to sign off of here now. I'll keep you all updated on the findings of fearlessness.

Oh, since many read this on there, I'm not going to be on Facebook for a while... until Sept. 21st actually. So if you want to comment on a blog, go ahead, I'll read it when I get back. Or you can post something on the actual blog site, which is And if you have something really important to tell me, call or send me a text or if you can't do either, send me a message on Facebook and Josh will tell me about it.

I love you all!
Mrs. Christa Edmonds