I've got an interview at Rue21 on Halloween! Please be praying for me! And I'm also pretty darn sure I'll get an interview at Bath and Body Works too... the hiring manager seems to like me a lot. She just hasn't gotten to my application yet!
By the way, still waiting to hear what shows people watch.
Love love!
So yeah, I'm ashamed at how long it's been since I've posted. Ah well, its okay.
I have to get in the shower, but I thought I would update first, so I've got my new "Paste Magazine" music sampler in and I'm ready to go. I love Paste magazine. (Thank you Christina for getting it for me for Christmas :-) ) If you like secular magazines and are over... 17 or 18, this is a real winner.

Happy news! Josh got a job! At Radioshack. Wooooohhhhoooooo! I did a very thrilled dance when I listened to that voicemail. We celebrated that night by each getting a pint of Ben and Jerry's, which was on sale. I got the "Creme Brulee" which was awesome! Especially with the swirl of chocolate I put in it.

He starts sometime next week. Please pray he gets lots of hours as it is a "temp" position. I'm still looking for a job. :-/ So if anyone wants to hire me in Shelby, here I am! :-p
Other than that, we haven't had any super exciting news.
I have started learning how to play chess from Josh. Its fun. At first it was so easy to want to get frustrated, but I gritted down and decided to force my brain to do it. We started "playing" at 12 am. ("Okay, so this one is called... the rook?" "Yes, and no, you can't call him Dwayne." "Okay." "So tell me, how many moves can the rook make and what will be the best position for him. And what's my next move?" "Um... I don't know?") (For the record, I wasn't a pest about it, I really did try.) We finally stopped playing at 2:15am. Wowzers.
Then the next night I randomly decided to open up the two really old computers we had and see what they had. Next thing, an hour later, we had put all the good parts in one and had a working computer. Then we spent an hour getting the network card to work.
So anybody have any interesting stories to tell so I can be amused? :-p
Oh, I do want to know, do any of you have a weekly show you watch?
Josh and I have been watching "Sanctuary" and I watch "Bones" and *ahem*
"Greek". Lately we've been working our way through series. Like SG1, Psych, Roar and our current one, Band of Brothers. (I love that show and insisted Josh had to see it. He likes it so far.) I think we have "Freaks and Geeks" up next. But that will probably be in a few weeks.
It sounds like a lot of shows, but remember Josh is a film major, movies are important.
By the way, if you are like me and fear is a problem... don't watch the first Resident Evil. The other two are fine, but gosh, the first one sparked fear in me. I gotta conquer that.
Oh! Josh and I went to the first church we've gone to for the point of "visiting" to try to find a home church. No we haven't been total heathens, either we've been away or had company or went to a church for all but two weeks.
The people were really nice and the building was very nicely done. I liked the atmosphere. But unfortunately, we don't agree with their teaching. I can't go to a church that I only agree with half of what they say. I think 3/4 is a good mixture. But otherwise, any less than that and you're torn the whole time and really end up confused and frustrated.
Well good day folks, I hope its a great one.
So I'm sitting here wondering how I can be more me.
I feel the need to find my niche.
My friend Courtney has started a new blog called
"Thrifty Wife"It's pretty cool and I can tell I'm going to learn from it. Man, I want so badly to really be wise with our money.
My friend Lauren has this beautifully artistic house, which she affectionately calls "The Fort". That's another thing I would love. I long to create a beautiful home for Josh and I to share.
I want my niche. My thing.
The other night I told Josh that I've always wanted to paint. The next day he pulled out a canvas he has and his paint stuff and told me to paint. I haven't started yet, but I'm going to soon.
I guess all this randomness is to say, I'm in a place of discovery. I do not want to go through life a "half" person. I want to live to the fullest, and be uniquely, loverly and frighteningly me. And...
I know that a huge part of that will come through growing closer to Christ. Which is an area I need prayer in. I feel I really need to draw closer to God, but almost am unsure how to go about it.
Maybe I need to write a song. That might help me figure stuff out.
Thanks for listening everybody.

(Josh's putt-putt golf ball from our recent trip to Charleston.)
Hmm, so basically I'm posting simply because I haven't posted in a while. I have nothing of "uber" importance to say.
We did hang up some of our wedding "lanterns" last night in the old, unused fireplace. They look beautiful. Next step is to get some outdoor Christmas lights and put them in the floor of the fireplace. It'll look pretty.
Josh and I both have colds. I'm getting over mine thankfully, but it's not been a fun time. Poor Josh hit the worst of his last night. Yes, I know, due to the facts I just told you, I was the one to give the cold. I'm a bad person. But here's what Dustin and I figured: Either I stayed away from Josh, no kisses, slept on the couch, no sharing drinks, which would really be icky cause both of us have the love language of touch. So in that case, he got heart sick. Or he got physically sick and could take cold medicine.
By the way, have you noticed how multi-symptom cold medicine is like a grenade? They cram a lot of different meds in one bottle and figure "well if we chuck all this at them, its sure to help something." Oh for a sniper rifle against the common cold.
Speaking of sniper rifles, Josh and I are getting into airsoft. More, I'm getting into airsoft. See, Dustin is wanting to start a league so Josh and I are going to play once a month. We ordered my gun yesterday. As much as I would have loved the shotgun with cartridges that shot out three at a time. (That thing is a bad beast!!) I could not justify spending the $70 on it. So I just got a cheap gun that I could feel okay spending our "newly wed amount" of funds on. It's a good gun and should do me fine. I even got two extra mags for it. So I'm excited. :-p
Well I have a couple other things to do before I start getting ready for the family reunion. :-)
So later ya'll!