There are times I just want to vent and rant and scream. But I can't.

To clarify, this isn't about my husband. He's one of the few people at whom I rarely want to scream.

Its just to the general world.

I've got a lot of anger. That's a bad thing I know, I really do well holding it in. God helps me just give it over to Him. But man, I used to have it out with my parents. Am I allowed to admit I've made my own, beautiful, sweet mother cry? I feel so badly about it. Honestly, I'm an angry person. I journal it out, and I'm normally fine. And don't worry, I won't grow into a beast and beat you. I've grown out of hitting people. I hate to admit all this. But for some reason, the human need to confess overtook me.

I want to be a peaceful person, and on a whole, I'm chill, but too often, I'm an angry person.

Would you have guessed it?

What is yours? Are you angry? Lonely? If you want, you can catch a firefly with me.

(In the past, if you caught a firefly, you had to share a secret.)

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous on February 2, 2009 at 3:59 PM

    My sweet Christa Joy! I don't remember the words you said to make me cry, because your heart loved me and I knew it. You were always a delight because of that. Yes, we had our rough times, but those times were overwhelmed by the delight of having you for a daughter. You continue to bless me. I love you, goose!