My wonderful, long-time friend Jeremey has agreed to run around and film the events leading up to the wedding and film the ceremony too! I'm so so happy!
And I think I've found Josh's ring! Yay! He likes it and so do I!
Okay so I think that's all. Maybe.
(AHHHH! In three weeks my wedding will be tomorrow! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!)
So I was trying to blog everyday, but that didn't work out. This weekend has been crazy.
And to top it all off, I woke up absolutely exhausted. I bawled talking and praying with Josh last night. I'm a mess. lol. But God can make an awesome thing out of a mess, so I'm not too bummed today. Just tired. So definitely praying for strength.
So here are the updates:
- We have the chair situation figured out.
We're covering the "less pretty" chairs with chair covers. It's going to be so pretty!
Man, we are busting at the seams. I'm totally flattered at how many people love me and want to be involved in our special day. I just wish I could fit everyone in!
- We've picked out the cake
It's funky and yet not. Super pretty.
And we've gotten an EXCELLENT price on it. It was a wonderful gift from a friend of the family.
Do you want to see or be surprised? Leave a comment and let me know your vote.
- The menu is mostly picked out now. Thank goodness.
It's pretty much as colorful and unique as we are. I am not the type to just have meatballs or something. Now to keep it in budget.... :-p
- Most of the decor has been selected. *Whew*
Everything from plums to lanterns to candles to sand has been talked about. Man, seriously, without Mom, Mrs. Rachel (my reception coordinator) and Mrs. Suzanne (my ceremony coordinator) and my fantastic fiance, I'd die. My head really starts spinning during the meetings, there's so many logistics!
It feels so good to have a lot of things off the list. God's been really great, and things are coming together.
I do want to ask for prayer. Josh and I got engaged and pretty much had our plans after the wedding down. Well the Lord has really been keeping us on our toes and our knees. We've felt we were being lead in a different direction after our wedding. We really don't know where. But we're totally trusting and trying so so so hard to keep our ears tuned to His voice. So please be in prayer that we would have wisdom. We may end up continuing with our initial plans.
BUT we do not want to do that without God's blessing and guiding. So please pray that the hearts of two young people, earnestly wanting to serve God in their lives together, would be open and lead of the Lord. We want peace and love to abound.
With trust in Christ,
The Occasionally "Zilla-ish" Bride
Tonight I'm getting my hair colored for the final time. And I think I might have just found a really sweet hairstyle:
Whatcha think?
Okay, so sorry I didn't post yesterday. It was a very long day.
I got off work so I could do some of my more "week day day time" only stuff done. Including the attack on my "black" hair. But before that, my mom and I meet with my "day-of" coordinator, the beautiful Mrs. Klopp. It was such a huge help! We now have a much clearer vision.
Susan Keen did my hair and she did such an amazing job.
The process of stripping went great. All the black came out and I was left with like "carrot orange" blonde hair. Which was very weird looking. (And no, we weren't at all thinking of leaving it. It was just the first stage.) I hate that I didn't have any form of camera so I could take a picture.
Then she foiled me up and put in some fabulous highlights and brown undertones. They were lighter than we wanted, due to you just never know how well dark-hair will take that sort of thing. But it took it great.
So then she "glazed" three times. In between the 2nd and 3rd, she trimmed my hair up.
The whole process lasted from 3 to 7:15 pm. Whew. I was so worried that her feet had to be killing her. But she was fine she said.
So I'm gonna make an appointment to get it darker, but she did a terrific job.
I'd totally keep it if it wasn't for the wedding. I want to look like "Christa" for the wedding.
But here's a few pictures of the now "blonde" Christa! Enjoy!

OH! Now, most people have received their invitations! We've got a few more going out... but that's such a relief to have them out. It was so weird telling mom the colors we've picked out for the house this morning, because the reason she was asking was because people were calling wanting to know, due to getting the invites. How crazy cool is that?? I'm getting married!!!
Sorry, I still have the "oh gosh, how awesome!!" moments.
Well love to you all! Mwah mwah!
So I'm sitting here watching the kiddos. I'm a little bored and way tired. A stupid bug kept me awake with bites until 3 AM. Not fun. I stripped my bed and everything at 2:45 AM just to make sure it wasn't in my bed. Bugger bit me on the toe as a thank you.
On the hairfront, The Hairdresser brigade will be staging a "restoration" attack on the occupying BLACK "chocolate velvet" dye. Hopefully it will be a successful mission with limited dandruff.
In other news, I've started wearing my engagement ring on my right-hand ring finger. I'm going to wear it there after the wedding, as my 'gagement ring refuses play nice with other rings.
Well I'm out of here until later. lol.
Tonight Mom, Josh and I are going to meet to figure out what Mom and I need to talk to my "coordinator" about tomorrow.
Well *whew* invitations are labeled. Well you know, I say “whew” but it was really my mom. Now we just have to stuff envelopes.
And to anyone who doesn’t get an invitation… I’m sorry. I would love to be able to invite everyone, in a way. Because so many people mean so much to me and have such an important place in my heart. But Josh and I also want to keep the list on the smaller side. (It’s not but we’re trying :-p)
So if you are not invited, please please don’t take offense. I just cannot invite everyone.
Now on to finding the rings…
Okay, so wow. The wedding is coming up fast! 37 days!
To answer the question I’m getting the most “Are you getting nervous?” The answer is “No.” I’m so excited and I cannot wait to be Josh’s bride. I’m stoked and ready to start our life together as a married couple. Its kinda scary in a good way. See, we know God is an awesome God. And we know he’s given us both so much talent and so much passion. And we’re just plain excited (at risk of over using that word) to see how he’s going to direct and work our life. What we’re going to do and where we’re going to be… stuff like that. It’s pretty cool.
I’d heard that it wasn’t so much looking for the right person. It’s running the race, keeping your eye on the goal, and then next thing you know, there’s someone running beside you. You’re both still running the race, but now you have a running mate. Someone to make it even better, sometimes a little harder, but that’s okay, because you both have each other for encouragement. And it’s just cool. I love being on a team. Not a huge team, but an intimate group. That’s always been my thing. I love camaraderie. So knowing that God thinks that Josh and I are more glorifying together for Him then apart… that’s the best team I could ask for.
I love Josh.
Okay, now for some planning updates.
So far we’ve gotten:
- The dress
- The bridesmaid dresses
- The place
- The minister
- The photographer
- The caterer
- The DJ
- The favors
- The invitations
- The lanterns
- The cake decorator (but not the cake design)
So right now we are working on:
- The cake design
- Getting the invites out
- Getting the last of the decorations
- Figuring out the groom and groomsmen clothing
- Getting the bridesmaid dresses altered.
- Finding my hairstyle
- Finalizing the menu
- Picking a overall theme
So there ya go. Still a lot to do, but also a lot is already done. Thank goodness and my mother. She’s been amazing!
Well gotta go teach some little boys. What a summer job!
Bye ya’ll!
I love my fiance who…
- cleaned my room for me, even though it’s a mess, just so that I am less stressed and can focus on some work I had to do.
- folds up my hoodie before putting it in my bag, a sweet reminder of his taking time to care.
- lets me run my fingers over that spot on his wrist that he hates, just cause he trusts me.
- who smiles when I kiss him on the nose.
- isn’t afraid to tell me when he’s lonely or..
- just needs me to hold him.
- doesn’t see me being disorganized as a big deal.
- rubs my knee whenever he thinks I’m worried or stressed or tired, to remind me he’s there and he loves me.
- puts his arm around me in church.
- trust God and tithes everything.
- drew a permanent marker ring on my finger when I was going hiking, since I was worried about wearing my ring on the trail.
- pushes the “Smile Button” above my upper lip to make me smile and laugh when I feel sad.
- rubs my shoulders.
- texts just to see how my day is going.
- is my manly warrior…
- and my sweet poet.