I got off work so I could do some of my more "week day day time" only stuff done. Including the attack on my "black" hair. But before that, my mom and I meet with my "day-of" coordinator, the beautiful Mrs. Klopp. It was such a huge help! We now have a much clearer vision.
Susan Keen did my hair and she did such an amazing job.
The process of stripping went great. All the black came out and I was left with like "carrot orange" blonde hair. Which was very weird looking. (And no, we weren't at all thinking of leaving it. It was just the first stage.) I hate that I didn't have any form of camera so I could take a picture.
Then she foiled me up and put in some fabulous highlights and brown undertones. They were lighter than we wanted, due to you just never know how well dark-hair will take that sort of thing. But it took it great.
So then she "glazed" three times. In between the 2nd and 3rd, she trimmed my hair up.
The whole process lasted from 3 to 7:15 pm. Whew. I was so worried that her feet had to be killing her. But she was fine she said.
So I'm gonna make an appointment to get it darker, but she did a terrific job.
I'd totally keep it if it wasn't for the wedding. I want to look like "Christa" for the wedding.
But here's a few pictures of the now "blonde" Christa! Enjoy!

OH! Now, most people have received their invitations! We've got a few more going out... but that's such a relief to have them out. It was so weird telling mom the colors we've picked out for the house this morning, because the reason she was asking was because people were calling wanting to know, due to getting the invites. How crazy cool is that?? I'm getting married!!!
Sorry, I still have the "oh gosh, how awesome!!" moments.
Well love to you all! Mwah mwah!